Successfully completing of the anatomy training 2019

In 2009 Kabul University of Medical Sciences (KUMS) requested KEIHAN Foundation to support the anatomical dissection program of KUMS. Since 2009 KEIHAN Foundation and partners realized preliminary steps of this project: i.a. training the first anatomy lecturer from KUMS at Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), purchasing and preparing the anatomical specimens and setting up of […]
Anatomie Project
Maak het medische anatomie onderwijs weer mogelijk in Afghanistan! Ruim 35 jaar oorlog heeft er voor gezorgd dat kennis en faciliteiten verloren zijn gegaan om praktijk onderwijs met anatomische preparaten mogelijk te maken. Om de kwaliteit van de opleiding Geneeskunde in Afghanistan te verbeteren, willen wij anatomie lessen met gebruik van anatomische preparaten herintroduceren op […]
Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program: Official opening of the media library
The anatomy media library with e-learning facility at Kabul Medical University is officially ready for use and we hope the students can benefit from it immensely. The media library is part of the Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program and it was inaugurated by Afghanistan’s Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Farida Momand! More about Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program: […]
Arrival of computers in Afghanistan
Great news from Afghanistan! Twenty computers have finally arrived at their destination in Kabul as part of KEIHAN Foundation’s Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program. Further steps will be taken in establishing a media library with personal computers with internet access which will provide several web‐based learning and reference programs to be used by the students, tutors, physicians […]
KEIHAN & Medicine
KEIHAN Foundation and Medicine go hand in hand since the establishment of the foundation. There are several projects within KEIHAN which are aimed at building bridges between the Netherlands and Afghanistan and exchange knowledge between the two countries. On the 12th of February the Foundation organized the event ““KEIHAN & Medicine” in order to bring […]
Closing Ceremony of the Anatomy Teaching Innovation Program 2013
On the 14th of June, His Excellency the Ambassador of Afghanistan to the Netherlands mr. Nabiel, Prof. Marco de Ruiter and dr. Paul Gobee officially closed the Anatomy-project as they awarded dr. Moneeb with a certificate for participating in the Anatomy Teaching and Innovation Program. After 10 months of training, KEIHAN Fdn is proud to […]
Videoconferentie Anatomie-project
Het Anatomy Teaching and Innovation Programm gaat officieel de implementatiefase in. Op woensdag 17 april 2013 hebben de drie betrokken partijen de eerder gemaakte afspraken geconcretiseerd en verder uitgewerkt. Het Anatomie-project is in 2010 geïnitieerd door KEIHAN Fdn op verzoek van Kabul Medical University en in samenwerking met het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Ook in […]